Credit line for digitalization and digital transformation


  • The CEO of the Development Bank of North Macedonia - Kire Naumov, together with the Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia - Dimitar Kovacevski, and the Ambassador of Switzerland, Veronique Ulman Marti, today, in the premises of the Government of RNM, held a press conference at which they promoted the new CREDIT LINE FOR DIGITALIZATION AND DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIO...

Instructions for paying the due installments from the following credit lines: "COVID-1", “COVID-2”, “COVID-3”, “COVID-4”, “Broadcasting companies” and "EP Crisis"


  • INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYING THE DUE INSTALLMENTS FROM THE "COVID-1, PKF" CREDIT LINE   Covid 1-PKF credit line   Назив на налогодавач: the name and headquarters of your company should be written down in Macedo...

DBNM, part of the info sessions "With digital transformation to innovation"


  • As a bank whose main goal is to support and encourage the development of the Macedonian economy in accordance with the strategic policies, goals and priorities of the state, Development Bank of North Macedonia during the last month took part in the info sessions regarding the challenge "With digital transformation to innovation" organized by The Fund for Innovation and Technological Deve...

ESG Conference


  • The Development Bank of North Macedonia, within the framework of the Conference dedicated to the importance of environmental, social issues and governance (ESG) criteria and organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in North Macedonia (AmCham), presented its current activities and future plans related to the financing of ESG activities of micro, small and medium-sized commercial companies from...

Positive financial results of DBNM in 2022
