On the basis of the Law on the Macedonian Bank for Development Promotion (Official Gazette no.105/2009), the Agreement for Administration of micro and small sized enterprises no. 10-7500/2 dated 12.11.2020 and no. 15-8547/1 dated 17.11.2020, the Development Bank of North Macedonia JSC Skopje, announces the following:
for submitting a loan application for direct lending tom icro and small enterprises affected by Covid-19 (Kovid-3)
Subject of this Public Call is the submitting of a loan application from the Fund for small and medium sized enterprises for direct support to small and medium sized enterprises, sole proprietors, artisans that pay real income taxes and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia.
The Fund for micro and small sized enterprises, of which this credit line will be realized, was established with funds through EU4Reilience IPA Programme of the European Union, which were made available to the Fund in an amount not exceeding EUR 30 million in Denar countervalue and Budget contribution in an amount of Denar 60 million.
The funds of the Fund for direct lending to micro and small enterprises will be disbursed under the following conditions:
Loan purpose:
For fixed assets and working capital in order to continuously finance the current activities and the need for working capital, as well as to support the implementation of projects for purchasing fixed assets for the business implementation.
Loan amount:
The maximum loan amount approved to a beneficiary-enterprise may not exceed Denar 922,500.
The maximum loan amount per sole proprietor and artisan may not exceed Denar 307,500.
The minimum loan amount approved to a beneficiary of this credit line may not be less than Denar 184,500.
Loan disbursement:
The approved loan will be disbursed to the beneficiary directly, pursuant to the instructions stated in the Loan Application.
Repayment period:
Up to 3 (three) years with included grace period of 6 (six) months.
Approval criteria:
Eligible beneficiaries are as follows:
Micro and small sized enterprises, sole proprietors, and artisans (that pay real income taxes) classified in accordance with the Current state;
which do not have unpaid public duties and benefits, unless they have been granted deferred payment of taxes and benefits in accordance with special regulations in the field of taxes and pay them regularly, at least until 31.01.2020 or later;
That no bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings have been instituted against them;
Have submitted an annual financial account to the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia;
Pursuant to the financial statements of the last fiscal year have principal and reserves (stated in the balance sheet) not less than 33% of the requested loan amount;
This criterion is not applicable to artisans and sole proprietors;
According to the data from the credit registry of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia as of 31.01.2020, fall in higher or equal to B classification (average risk calculation is performed) or have no liabilities towards banks;
Beneficiary which according to the data from the credit registry of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia is in the risk classification V - regular status with calculated impairment / special reserve in relation to the total exposure of banks to a certain client less than or equal to 29.9% as of 31.01.2020, only if the indicator for the level of financial indebtedness is less than 5.0, and it is calculated as the ratio between total liabilities on loans and credits/principal and reserves from the balance sheet. Exception is if the total credit exposure of the banks to a client is less than Denar 10,000;
This criterion is not applicable to artisans and sole proprietors;
Shows decline in income of at least 20% in any of the months from April to August 2020, (April, May, June, July and August) compared to the same month previous year - 2019;
shows decline in income of at least 20% in any of the months from April to August 2020 (April, May, June, July and August), compared to the average realized monthly income in 2019 (total income 2019/12 months).
For this criterion, the Beneficiary gives a Statement under moral and criminal responsibility.
Interest rate to Beneficiaries
The interest rate to Beneficiaries is determined on a fixed basis in an amount of 0% p.a. DBNM will not charge fee to Beneficiaries for processing of applications.
The loan is secured with a bill of exchange from the Beneficiary guaranteed by one of the Beneficiary’s owners, and with a bill of exchange statement which regulates the rights and obligations upon the bill in a form of a notary act with enforcement clause.
The Beneficiary bears the costs for establishment of collateral.
DBNM on behalf and for the account of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia upon approval of the loan application will enter into agreement with the Beneficiary.
Right to submit loan application has micro and small enterprises, sole proprietors, and artisans which pay tax on real income and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia in accordance with the current regulations and have a share capital privately owned by legal entities and natural persons of at least 51%.
The Beneficiary can check his size classification by inspecting his Current state (extract from the Central Registry).
If a loan was disbursed to the Beneficiary, than it can apply for grant component (debt relief) of 30% of the loan amount. In order to use the grant component, the Beneficiary acquires the right to apply for debt relief upon fulfillment of the following two conditions:
The entity has repaid at least 50% of the liabilities related to the loan,
Has no record of delay in fulfilling its obligations arising from the loan for more than 30 days.
The Beneficiary can apply for one of the following four categories of grant components:
Category 1:
at least 50% of the ownership structure includes woman/women or
is managed by a woman (woman manager)
Category 2:
at least 50% of the ownership structure consist of young persons up to 29 years old; or
it is managed by young persons up to 29 years (young manager);
Category 3:
The Beneficiary is an exporter with a share of foreign income of more than 50% in the financial statements for the last fiscal year.
Category 4:
The beneficiary implements projects related to:
Green economy;
Modernization and digitalization of business processes through procurement of equipment and/or introduction of a new way of selling (e-selling);
Introduction of new products and services.
In order to use the grant-component, the Beneficiary should apply to DBNM for debt relief.
Fulfillment of the criteria for using the grant component will be
assessed at the time of submission of the application for approval of
the grant component (debt relief) as follows:
Category 1:
when submitting the loan application according to the Current state of the enterprise; and
when submitting an application for approval of the grant component according to the Current state of the enterprise.
Category 2:
when submitting the loan application according to the Current state of the enterprise; and
when submitting an application for approval of the grant component, there are no changes in the ownership and/or management structure, according to the Current state of the enterprise.
Category 3:
when submitting the loan application according to the annual account and analytical card on account 121 receivables from foreign buyers; or
when submitting an application for approval of the grant component according to the annual account and analytical card on account 121 receivables from foreign
Category 4:
when submitting an application for approval of the grant component, the Beneficiary submits proof for implementation of projects/activities related to:
Green economy;
Modernization and digitalization of business processes through procurement of equipment and/or introduction of a new way of selling (e-selling);
Introduction of new products and services.
Loan application from the Beneficiary is mandatory document without which the application will not be processed. It is posted on the Bank’s web site and it contains the basic information for the Beneficiary, requested loan amount, payment instructions, etc.
Mandatory documentation that the Beneficiary has to submit under the Public Call is as follows:
Loan Application (posted on the Bank’s web site),
Application for client registration (posted on the Bank’s web site),
Proof that it does not have unpaid taxes and benefits to the state - Conformation from PRO (at least dated 31.01.2020 or later)
ZP Form (certified signature form),
Statement for connected persons/entities (posted on the Bank’s web site),
Statement on PEP (posted on the Bank’s web site),
Statement for verification of credit exposure (posted on the Bank’s web site),
Analytical card on account 121 receivables from foreign buyers (only for Beneficiaries that will apply for debt relief for Category 3 – exporter)
Documents that the Beneficiary needs to submit or documents that if not submitted by the Beneficiary will be provided by the Bank ex officio
Current state issued not later than 6 months,
Annual financial statement (as of 31.12.2019),
Proof that no bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings are instituted against it (from the Central Registry of the RNM).
Eligible Beneficiary that fulfills the loan approval criteria on “FIRST COME FIRST SERVED” basis.
Loan applications will be processed chronologically as they are received on the e-mail address: kreditiranjecovid3@mbdp.com.mk .
Loan application and all related documents are submitted only electronically at the following e-mail address: kreditiranjecovid3@mbdp.com.mk.
Submitted loan applications are allocated automatically, due to which it is necessary to adhere to the following rules when applying:
In Subject one should write the company name, city and legal form in Latin letters, for ex: Vardar Berovo DOOEL
If the loan application is sent in several e-mails, the Subject in all e-mails should be the same, without additional signs such as: 1, 2, second part, covid3, kovid, etc.
Maximum size of Attachments should not exceed 8MB and should be attached as .pdf, .zip or .rar format.
Loan application is mandatory document and the related documents will not be processed if it is missing.
Loan application should be filled out completely.
The loan application and the accompanying documents which form is prescribed by the Bank is recommended to be filled out electronically, on a computer, or if that is not possible, to fill them out legibly in block letters.
Loan applications can be signed manually or with a digital certificate.
The loan applicant can submit only one loan application.
Loan applications for the Public Call are going to be submitted within 15 days, starting on December 16, 2020 at 00:01 and ending on December 30, 2020 at 23:59.
The processing of the received loan applications will start after the closing of the Public Call.
Documents submitted to the Public Call are irreversible.
Inadequate loan applications of illegible Beneficiaries will not be considered.
Incomplete loan applications will not be considered until they are completed.
Documents received without a Loan Application (posted on the Bank's website) will not be processed until the Loan Application is submitted.
The Bank does not bear any costs incurred with preparing, compiling and submitting of the loan application, so that the participant in the Public Call is not entitled to reimbursement of any costs on the basis of participation in this Public Call.
The Bank will notify the loan applicants who have been granted a loan on the basis of a submitted loan application, via the e-mail address specified in the Current status of the entity.
The Bank will notify the loan applicants whose loan applications have been rejected, with the reason for rejection, via the e-mail address specified in the Current status of the entity.
The Bank will not notify the Beneficiaries individually, in case the loan application is received after exhaustion of the funds.
For the exhaustion of funds upon the Public Call, the Bank will make an announcement on its website.
Loan applications submitted for the Public Call Kovid 1 and Kovid 2 are not subject for consideration.
All information and forms related to the Public Call can be found at the Bank's website www.mbdp.com.mk.