In accordance with the Agreement for administration of the fund for micro and small enterprises concluded between the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Development Bank of North Macedonia AD Skopje (DBNM) No. 10-7500/2 from 12.11.2020 and the Annex to the agreement for administration of the fund for micro and small enterprises, No. 26-8774/2 from 26.11.2021, DBNM publishes this public call, which offers the possibility to borrowers of the third interest-free credit line from the Fund for micro and small enterprises (Covid 3), to submit a request for determination of an additional grace period of 12 months and a corresponding extension of the loan payment term for 12 months.
Considering the above, we invite you within 10 days from the date of publication of this Public Call, to submit a request to DBNM for the extension of the grace period and the payment term of the loan approved from the funds of the "Covid 3" credit line to the following web form.
As a condition for approving a request for additional determination of the grace period and extension of the loan payment period, the credit user, before submitting the request, must have settled all due obligations in terms of principal and interest for a loan from the credit line from the Fund for Micro and small enterprises (Covid 3).
The submitted request for an additional term and grace period does not eliminate the right for the borrower to submit a request for a discharge of the debt of 30% of the loan amount in the future, according to the established criteria specified in the loan agreement.
The call is valid as of December 11, 2021, which is the last day for submitting requests.
The request in Attachment 1 should contain the basic data for the credit user entity: name of the company-credit user, registration number of the company, number, and date of conclusion of the contract. The same should be signed by an authorized person with a stamp from the credit beneficiary entity and in scanned form (.pdf or image) should be attached to the web form for submitting the request to DBNM.
The request should be scanned and saved with the following name: contract number, name of the company, and place (eg. 1745 COMPANY DOOEL Skopje) and attached as a file to the following web form.
The borrowers will be notified by DBNM on their e-mail addresses registered in the current state about the approved requests for the determination of an additional grace period of 12 months and the corresponding extension of the loan payment term. Also, The annex to the loan agreement will be delivered to them for signing.
- Request for an additional grace period and loan payment term approved by "Covid 3"
- Web form to which the Request is attached
For all questions, please contact:
Attachment 1 - Request for an additional grace period and loan payment term approved by "Covid 3"
Attachment 1
Development Bank of North Macedonia
Credit and Guarantees Division
26, Dimitrie Chupovski Str.
1000, Skopje
for an additional grace period and loan payment term
approved by the Fund for Micro and Small Enterprises (Covid 3) credit line
From the credit user ________________________________________________________ (company name in the format: COMPANY NAME LLC/DOOEL/TP, city), with ID _________ (identity number of the entity), the beneficiary of an interest-free loan from the Fund for Micro and Small Enterprises (Covid 3) credit line, with the number of contract FMMP/DIR/0/_______ dated _________________.
According to the opportunity given in the public call published on the website of the Development Bank of North Macedonia AD Skopje, we request that we be granted an additional 12 (twelve) months grace period on the outstanding principal and that the payment term of the loan is extended for the same period on the basis of outstanding principal.
We declare that we have no unpaid principal and interest due on this loan.
With respect,
Manager/Authorized Person
handwritten signature
contact phone: ________________
e-mail address: ________________
The request should be filled in, signed, and printed.
The request should be attached in scanned form (.pdf or image) to the following web form.
For all questions, please contact: