Public call no. 1, Working capital loan for companies affected by energy and price crisis


Based on the Law on the Development Bank of North Macedonia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 105/2009 and Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia No. 77/21), the Agreement for Administration of a Credit Line for Working Capital for Companies Affected by energy and price crisis through direct lending from DBNM No. 13-12273/1 of 24.11.2022, Development Bank of North Macedonia AD Skopje announces:

for submitting a loan application for direct lending to micro, small and medium-sized companies as well as sole proprietors and artisans who pay duties on real income, from the Working capital loan for companies affected by the energy and price crisis

The subject of this public call is the submission of a loan application from the Working capital loan for companies affected by the energy and price crisis for direct support of micro, small, and medium-sized trading companies, sole proprietors, and artisans who pay real income tax and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The funds from which the Working capital loan for companies affected by the energy and price crisis will be realized are provided in the amount of MKD 300,000,000.

Funds from the Working capital loan for companies affected by the energy and economic crisis will be granted under the following conditions:
Purpose of the loan:
For working capital to support companies affected by the energy and price crisis.
Loan amount:
• minimum amount: MKD 184.500,
• maximum amount:
• MKD 1.845.000 (micro, small and medium-sized companies)
• MKD 615.000 denars (sole proprietors, artisans)
Placement method:
The approved loan is paid directly to the borrower according to the instructions specified in the Loan Application.
Repayment terms:
Working capital loans for companies affected by the energy and price crisis will be approved with a repayment term from 18 months to 36 months, including a grace period of 6 months.

Repayment of the loan by the borrower will be done in quarterly repayment periods.

Approval criteria:
Qualified borrowers are:
Micro, small, and medium-sized trading companies (according to the Current Financial Status) as well as sole proprietors and artisans paying taxes on real income

Borrowers should meet the following criteria:

• They are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia,
• At least 51% privately owned,
• They have no outstanding obligations to the state, as evidenced by a certificate from the Public Revenue Office not older than 01.01.2022,
• Are not in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings,
• They have submitted an annual account to the Central Registry for 2021, regardless of the months of operation,
• They have registered real owners in the Register of Real Owners at the Central Registry of the RNM if they are debt payers (Current Financial Status of the real owner, Certificate for the real owner),
• They have capital and reserves (stated in the Balance Sheet for 2021, AOP code 65) not less than 30% of the amount of the requested loan (this criterion does not apply to sole proprietors and artisans),
• According to the data from the NBRNM credit register as of June 30, 2022, they are in a classification better than or equal to B (average risk is calculated) or who have no credit exposure. An exception is if the total credit exposure of banks to a particular client is less than MKD 10.000.
• At the time of submission of the loan application, they have no outstanding obligations greater than MKD 10.000, as users of the "Covid 1", "Covid 2", "Covid 3" and "Covid 4" credit lines.
• They are not beneficiaries of a loan from the interest-free credit line for working capital for companies affected by the energy and economic crisis (EE Crisis) directly through DBNM,
• Net financial result expressed in amount, in the income statement of AOP 255 or in the income statement of AOP 256 is not greater than MKD 3.000.000 denars (this criterion does not apply to sole proprietors and artisans).
• In 2022, there should be more than 100% increased costs for energy compared to 2021, for which comparison, they submit a copy of an energy invoice issued in the period from January to September 2022 along with a copy of a corresponding energy invoice issued in the period from January - September 2021 (invoices with the same month of issue and for the same energy will be subject of comparison),
• In the loan application, they should provide a Statement for Energy Efficiency in which it is stated that in the business processes, as well as in the processes for the realization of future purchases or investments during the repayment of the loan, the loan applicant will take care of achieving greater energy efficiency and will achieve at least 10% savings in energy consumption.

Interest rate for borrowers
The interest rate for borrowers is set at 2% per year. If the loan users do not fulfill their obligations according to the due dates, they will also be charged with penalty interest at a rate established by law.

DBNM will not charge a provision from the loan users for processing the loan applications.

The loan is secured by a bill from the borrower guaranteed by one of the owners of the borrower, with a bill regulating the rights and obligations of the bill in the form of a notarial deed with an enforceable clause.

The costs of establishing the security are borne by the borrower.

On behalf and for the account of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, DBNM will conclude a loan agreement with the borrower upon approval of the loan application.


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (according to the Current Financial Status), sole proprietors, and artisans who pay real income tax and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia in accordance with the positive regulations and have core capital in private ownership of legal and natural persons of at least 51% are entitled to submit an application.

The loan applicant may check their classification by having an insight into their Current Financial Status.


The document without which the loan application will not be processed is the Loan Application from the loan applicant, which is a form published on the Bank's website and which contains the basic information of the applicant, the requested loan amount, payment instructions, and other information.

Mandatory documentation that the loan applicant must submit to the public call is the following:
1.      Loan application,
2.      Application for client registration,
3.      Statement on related persons/entities,
4.      Statement on holders of the public function,
5.      Credit exposure verification statement,
6.      CS form (form for certified signature),
7.      Proof of not having outstanding taxes and contributions to the state – Certificate from the Public Revenue Office (not older than 01.01.2022),
8.      Current Financial Status not older than 6 months (from the Central Registry of the RNM),
9.      Annual financial statements (as of 31.12.2021) (from the Central Registry of the RNM),
10. Certificate of bankruptcy and Certificate of liquidation - Proof that no bankruptcy or liquidation procedure has been initiated (from the Central Registry of the RNM) not older than 6 months.
11. A copy of an energy invoice issued in the period from January to September 2022 and a copy of a corresponding energy invoice issued in the period from January to September 2021 (invoices with the same month of issue and for the same energy are to be submitted).

Documentation that the loan applicant should submit or, if not submitted by the loan applicant, the bank will provide ex officio:

12.     Current Financial Status of the real owner's database not older than 6 months (from the Central Registry of the RNM)

A qualified borrower who meets the criteria for loan approval on a "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED" basis.

Loan applications are processed chronologically as they are received at:

The loan application along with the complete documentation is submitted exclusively electronically, to the following e-mail address:

Submitted loan applications are distributed automatically, which is why it is necessary to respect the following rules when applying:

o   The Subject of the e-mail that is submitted should contain: the name of the company, city, and legal form in Latin letters should be stated, for example: Vardar Berovo DOOEL.

o   If the loan application is submitted in two or more messages, the Subject of the messages must be the same as in the first message without additional characters and additions such as: 1, 2, part two, covid4, covid, etc.

o   Attachments should not exceed 8MB in size and must be submitted as an attachment in .pdf, .zip or .rar format.

The loan application is a mandatory document and the other submitted documentation will not be considered until the application is submitted. The loan application must be fully completed.

The loan application and accompanying documents, whose forms are prescribed by the bank, are recommended to be filled out electronically, on a computer, or if possible, to be filled out legibly in printed letters.
Loan applications may be signed manually or with a digital certificate.
The loan applicant may submit only one loan application.


Loan requests for the public call are submitted for 15 days, starting on December 26, 2022 at 09:00 a.m. and ending on January 09, 2023, at 09:00 a.m.
The processing of received loan applications will begin after the closing of the public call.
The documents submitted to the public call are non-returnable.
Inadequate loan applications of unqualified loan users will not be considered.
Incomplete loan applications will not be considered until they are complete.
Documents received without a loan application (form on the bank's website) will not be processed until the loan application is submitted.
The Bank bears no expenses incurred with the preparation, compilation, and submission of loan applications, so the participant of the public call has no right to reimbursement of any expenses based on participation in this public call.
The Bank will notify the loan applicants who have been granted a loan based on a submitted application, to the e-mail address specified in the entity’s Current Financial Status.
The Bank will notify loan applicants whose loan applications have been rejected, with the reason for rejection, at the electronic address specified in the entity’s Current FinancialStatus certificate.
The Bank shall not individually notify loan applicants whose loan applications have been received after the funds have been exhausted.
The Bank will publish on its website the exhaustion of funds upon the Public Call.
All information and forms related to the public call can be found on the bank's website.