The process of applying for the working capital loan for companies affected by the energy and price crisis directly through DBNM has begun
The credit line is intended for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, sole proprietors, and artisans who pay real income tax and are registered in the Republic of North Macedonia. Companies should be at least 51% privately owned.
The minimum amount of credit is MKD 185.000, while the maximum amount of credit is MKD 1.845.000 for micro, small and medium companies, and MKD 615.000 for sole proprietors and artisans. The loan will have a repayment term of 18 to 36 months, including a grace period of 6 months.
Loan applications will be processed chronologically as they are received by e-mail for a qualified loan user who meets the criteria for credit approval on a "FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED" basis.