Objective of the grant component:

Support for companies established by young entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, export companies, and companies that invest in a green economy.

Purpose of the grant component:

Gender equality, stimulating exports, investments in the green economy, and young entrepreneurs…

Sources of funds:

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia.

Eligible beneficiaries of the grant component:

Companies that are beneficiaries of the Covid 3 interest-free credit line.

Grant application conditions:

If a Covid3 loan was disbursed to the Beneficiary then it can apply for a grant component (debt relief) of 30% of the loan amount. In order to use the grant component, the Beneficiary acquires the right to apply for debt relief upon fulfillment of the following two conditions:
- The entity has repaid at least 50% of the liabilities related to the loan, and
- Has no record of delay in fulfilling its obligations arising from the loan, for amounts greater than Denar 3.500 longer than 60 days.
- In order to use the grant component, the Beneficiary should apply to DBNM for debt relief.

Categories of grant component the beneficiary can apply for:

1. category
  • at least 50% of the ownership structure includes women or
  • it is managed by a woman (woman manager);
2. category
  • at least 50% of the ownership structure consists of young persons up to 29 years old or
  • it is managed by young persons up to 29 years (young manager);
3. category
The Beneficiary is an exporter with a share of foreign income of more than 50% in the financial statements for the last fiscal year.
4. category
The beneficiary implements projects related to:
  • green economy;
  • modernization and digitalization of business processes through procurement of equipment and/or introduction of a new way of selling (e-selling);
  • introduction of new products and services.

Fulfillment of the criteria for using the grant component will be assessed at the time of submission of the application for approval of the grant component (debt relief) as follows:


1. Category
  • when submitting the loan application according to the Current state of the enterprise;
  • when submitting an application for approval of the grant component according to the Current state of the enterprise.
2. Category
  • when submitting the loan application according to the Current state of the enterprise;
  • when submitting an application for approval of the grant component, there are no changes in the ownership and/or management structure, according to the Current state of the enterprise.
3. Category
  • when submitting the loan application according to the annual account and analytical card on account 121 receivables from foreign buyers;
  • when submitting an application for approval of the grant component according to the annual account and analytical card on account 121 receivables from foreign.
4. Category
when submitting an application for approval of the grant component, the Beneficiary submits proof for implementation of projects/activities related to:

1. Green economy (wind farms, solar energy, water treatment, biomass production for renewable energy sources): :
  • Certificate from the Energy Agency of the Republic of North Macedonia for production of electricity from renewable energy sources, or Invoice for procurement of equipment dated after the loan agreement conclusion in the amount of at least 30% of the loan amount, along with the borrower's statement of account to confirm the payment, and a notarized statement by the borrower's manager who declares that the borrower has implemented a green economy project.
2. Modernization and/or digitalization of business processes through procure- ment of equipment and/or introduction of a new way of selling (e-selling):
  • Modernization: Invoice for procurement of equipment dated after the loan agreement conclusion in the amount of at least 30% of the loan amount, along with the borrower's statement of account to confirm the payment, and a notarized statement by the borrower's manager who declares that the borrower has modernized the business processes with the purchased equipment.
  • Digitalization: Invoice for procurement of a software solution or software solution upgrade dated after the loan agreement conclusion in the amount of at least 30% of the loan amount, along with the borrower's statement of account to confirm the payment, and a notarized statement by the borrower's manager who declares that the borrower has purchased or upgraded a software solution
  • Introduction of a new way of selling (e-selling): Notarized statement for the launched electronic online store, dated after the loan agreement conclusion along with an attached agreement concluded with a commercial bank for online payment. .

3. Introduction of new products and services:
  • Notarized statement that a new product or service has been launched, with proof of the paid costs for the introduction of the new product and service in the amount of at least 30% of the loan amount.


Forms for Grant:

  • Application for Grant for Covid-3

Lending and Commission Work Division Contact:

Tel. 02/3115-844, 02/3114-840 ext. 121, 124, 127.