Objective of the loan:

Funds from the credit line are aimed to support the companies in obtaining permanent working capital.

Purpose of the loan:

Support of requests for a permanent increase in working capital needs.

Sources of funds:

European Investment Bank in the amount of EUR 100.000.000.

Eligible beneficiaries:

Potential beneficiaries may be the companies in private ownership, registered in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Terms and conditions of the loan:

Single loan amount for the final borrower:
The minimum amount of EUR 5.000

The maximum amount of EUR 666.700

Repayment period:

Up to 3 years

Grace period included:

Up to 6 months

Interest rate for the borrowers:

Up to 1.6% p.a.

Manner of repayment:


Participation of EIB funds in project financing:

Up to 100%

Disbursement to and repayment by the intermediary bank:

Foreign currency (EUR)

Bans and exclusions:

Fields excluded from financing with this product are:


  • Manufacture and export of weapons and equipment, infrastructure and equipment or infrastructure restricting individual rights and freedoms of human beings or violating human rights
  • Activities aimed at producing or enabling the use of gambling equipment and other related equipment and games of chance
  • Activities aimed at the production, manufacture, processing, or specialized distribution of tobacco, as well as activities that enable the use of tobacco
  • Activities related to experiments on live animals
  • Activities that have a negative impact on the environment
  • Activities that are considered ethically and morally controversial
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMO), abortion clinics, nuclear power, cloning
  • Activities in the field of real estate trading
  • Projects which accounting value exceeds EUR 25 million
  • Entities which number of employees exceeds 250
  • Exploration and production, refining, transportation, distribution, and storage of coal, oil, and natural gas

The number of employees should not diminish during the repayment period

Management fee for the intermediary bank:

The intermediary bank may charge the final borrower a management fee of 1,0% one-off

Required documents:

  • Loan application and Business Plan / Investment Programme
  • Company information from the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia
  • Copy of the proof for ownership of the offered collateral and its evaluation
  • Annual statements for a minimum of the last two years
  • List of largest debtors and creditors to the final borrower
  • List of management bodies' members, size of the company, number of employees, parts of the entity in the country and abroad
  • Other documents on the request of the bank

Lending and Commission Work Division Contact:

Tel. 02/3115-844, 02/3114-840 ext. 121, 124, 127.