Product purpose

In order to provide greater support to companies that have made and reinvested their profits, a special product "Interest subsidy on commercial bank loans approved to companies that have reinvested their profits" has been introduced.


Interest subsidy commercial bank loans approved to companies that have reinvested their profits.

Sources of funds:

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of North Macedonia in an amount of MKD 120.000.000.

Final beneficiaries:

Users of this product are companies that according to the Law on the Trade Companies are liable for advance tax on profit for 2021, that regularly service their obligations to the state and that have made a decision to reinvest the profit for 2021.

Product terms and conditions

Maximum amount of interest expense that can be subsidized to one borrower:

MKD 1.200.000

Who submits the subsidy request:

The commercial bank that has concluded a loan agreement with a company that has reinvested the profit for 2021 and that has concluded an agreement with DBNM for participation in the realization of this product. The commercial bank submits the request to DBNM.

Eligible borrowers for whom the commercial bank can submit to DBNM a request for interest subsidy:
  • Companies which, according to the LTC, are liable for advance tax on profit for 2021, which regularly service their obligations to the state, and which have made a decision to reinvest the profit for 2021. The entities confirm that they have reinvested the profit with an act-decision on the reinvestment of the profit.
  • The loan must not be intended for trade companies (TC) in state ownership or TCs in which North Macedonia is a partner or shareholder with at least 51% of the share capital.
Eligible loans for which a request for interest subsidy can be submitted:

The following are considered to be qualified loans:

  • The repayment term of the approved loan is up to 12 months,
  • The annual interest rate is up to 4.0%,
  • One-off fees are up to 1.5% of the loan amount,
  • The loan is approved and repaid in MKD denars,
  • The minimum amount of the loan is MKD 300,000, while the maximum amount does not exceed MKD 30,000,000,
  • The amount of the loan is not greater than 20% of the realized net profit that was reinvested in 2021,
  • The amount of the loan is not greater than the amount of the profit that was reinvested in 2021,
  • The loan is not intended for state-owned companies or companies in which the Republic of North Macedonia is the owner or shareholder with at least 51% of the share capital.
  • The loan is not financed by DBNM,
  • The loan has an accurately determined repayment schedule according to an amortization plan.
  • The maximum amount of the interest expense that can be subsidized for one borrower is MKD 1,200,000.
Documents submitted to DBNM by a commercial bank that has concluded a loan agreement with a company that has reinvested the profit for 2021 and that has concluded a participation agreement with DBNM:
  • Request-Secification for interest subsidization,
  • Debt access agreement signed by the applicant bank,
  • Loan agreement concluded between the applicant bank and the borrower,
  • Amortization plan for the dynamics of the borrower's obligations,
  • Decision by the credit user to reinvest the profit,
  • Confirmation from the Public Revenue Office, not older than 31.01.2022, that the borrower regularly services the obligations to the state,
  • Current balance for the borrower, not older than 3 months,
  • Current condition for the beneficial owner,
  • Balance Sheet and Income Statement for 2021 for the borrower.

Lending and Commission Work Division Contact:

Tel. 02/3115-844, 02/3114-840 ext. 121, 124, 127.

Intermediary banks where a request can be submitted:

DBNM has so far concluded an agreement for participation in the realization of this product with the following banks:


Credit Depart.: 02/3236-456
Operator: 02/3236-400


Credit Depart.: 02/3240-844
Operator: 02/3240-800


Credit Depart.: 02/3219-927
Operator: 02/3219-900